Someone said to me recently, that sickle cell disease
is not the same today, as it was in previous years. In
fact, the disease is very much the same. What is
different is our knowledge of the disease. With the
benefit of more knowledge, we have been able to keep
infants and children diagnosed with sickle cell a
little more healthy than before. But the truth is,
regardless of our efforts, nothing can be done to stop
a person living with the disease from having a painful
attack. It is a game of Russian Roulette ...they don't
know which day will be a good one and which day a
painful one.
And if you are the parent of a sickler, you know all
too well the fear that one day your infant or young
child can suffer a stroke.
The mentality that this disease is not the same as it
was years ago is unfortunately the reason why so many
people continue to suffer. Please help me spread
awareness about sickle cell disease. I am launching a
video campaign to inform people about the implications
of the disease so that we won't forget those who
suffer. These are people who look like us, act like us
on well days, but on sick days, are crippled from
pain. The only way we can find a cure, is if we don't
run away from the problem AND we get support from
people like you. There is research being done, but
funding limits how fast a cure is found. Help one be
found your local sickle cell
foundation and sickle cell research. Why? Because
about 70,000 Americans live with sickle cell. Pretty
soon, it will come close to home!
I know...
There is not a more helpless feeling than watching
your child be in pain, get stuck with needles, want it
to stop, and you have no way to make the pain go away.
Please watch my video and help me, help them.
Thanks for posting. I am very excited that we have met. I look forward to not only raising awareness, but walking down the road with you for finding a cure. I know one is out there...
I am also glad that we met. I am a believer with you and look forward to the days of support and rejoicing ahead.
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